our commitment to
sustainable development
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ODIC makes sustainable development a daily reality and a commitment for the future through the following actions:
- The running and ongoing improvement of its industrial facilities.
- Its active participation in protecting the environment.
- The high-performance insulation provided by its panels injected with CFC-free polyurethane foam at 42 kg/m³, and an insulation K value of 0.32W/m², contributing to the reduction of electricity consumption.
- Its commitment to an ECO-DESIGN approach in selecting less polluting materials.
- The implementation of a manufacturing process and economical operations.
- 95% recyclability of the materials used.

our eco-design programme
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Since reinvestment in the company in 2017, ODIC has embarked on a programme to renew its products.
The first two ranges to be renewed are the TROLLEY CELLS AND TROLLEY CABINETS.
These two new ranges were designed in line with ECO-DESIGN principles.
ECODESIGN is an approach that takes into account environmental impacts in the design and development of the product, and integrates environmental aspects throughout its life cycle (choice of materials, manufacturing, logistics and transport, distribution, energy saving, ease of use and end-of-life recycling).
The work carried out as part of this programme won two awards in 2020:
waste recycling
The ODIC factory sends 100 tonnes of stainless steel, aluminium and other metals to be recycled every year.
Ecologic is an eco-organisation, i.e. a non-profit organisation with a State-invested public utility mission which consists of managing the end-of-life recycling of Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). In order to do this, it collects, decontaminates and upcycles WEEE throughout the French territory, ensuring that each stage is carried out in full compliance.
Since 2006, Ecologic has been contributing to the development of a circular economy based on waste prevention, awareness-raising and recycling, working alongside all the players involved (producers, retailers, local authorities, social economy players, treatment facilities, associations, etc.).
clean transporters
ODIC also works with carriers who are mindful of environmental issues and who comply with the voluntary commitment charter for the reduction of CO2 emissions.